Service Uptime Guarantee
Find out what a service uptime guarantee includes and also how you are able to make use of it.
The service uptime is often dismissed by many people as they are searching for a new cloud hosting provider, but it can often be substantially more important than the actual plan features. It won't matter how good a plan is if the sites hosted inside the account are offline for extended time periods. This type of downtimes are frequently penalized by search engines, not mentioning the fact that visitors will most likely not return to a website they encounter complications with. For this reason, you should always look into the stability of the hosting service prior to getting a new account so as to be confident that the prosperity of your Internet sites will not depend upon third-party elements, but entirely on their content and on your advertising and marketing campaigns.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Cloud Hosting
When you buy a
cloud hosting plan through us, we ensure that your websites will be up and running at least 99.9% of the time. We've virtually eliminated the server downtime by using an innovative cloud hosting platform where different groups of servers handle every portion of the overall service - files, databases, e-mail messages, and so forth. In that way, should there be a problem with a web server, the other servers part of the cluster will simply take over and your websites will not be affected the slightest bit. In order to avoid any infrastructure troubles, we furthermore have diesel backup generators and a number of independent Internet providers. Qualified administrators keep track of the servers 24/7 to tackle any software problems that may appear while software and hardware firewalls will prevent DDoS attacks against the servers.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you acquire a
semi-dedicated server plan through our company, you will enjoy a guaranteed 99.9% uptime. Your account is going to be set up on a cutting-edge cloud hosting platform with a load-balancing system that practically eliminates any downtime. The files, e-mails, statistics and databases are all addressed by their own clusters of servers, so even when there is an issue one machine, your internet sites aren't going to be affected whatsoever. This allows us to offer a much more stable web hosting service compared with companies that run everything on one web server where a problem with a single service can take the entire web server down. To protect yourself from infrastructure issues, our data centers use several Internet providers and powerful diesel generators, so regardless of what happens, the web servers will keep operating with no disruptions and your Internet sites will remain operational. Any software difficulties are going to be addressed at once by our proficient team of admins which check all web servers 24/7.
Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Web Hosting
All of our Virtual Private Server plans have a 99.9% uptime guarantee. The stability and availability of the service is guaranteed by several Internet providers and diesel backup generators. We also employ new hardware for the physical servers in which the VPS accounts are created to steer clear of any possibility of hardware malfunction and each and every part has been tested thoroughly. The safety of your info is guaranteed by using enterprise-level hard disk drives working in RAID and the uptime guarantee time includes all repairs and maintenance procedures, so your websites will be operating practically without any disruptions. Our competent admins will resolve quickly any software issue that may show up, so even if there's a problem with a different
virtual private server account on the physical server, your VPS will not be affected. The server uptime is listed on our site and not concealed in our Terms of Service simply because we can keep our promise and provide you with a very reliable hosting service.
Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers Hosting
While we cannot control what you do with your
dedicated server, what offline software or script-driven applications you set up on it or how frequently you restart it, we can ensure that it'll be accessible at least 99.9% of the time. Your machine will be situated in our state-of-the-art facility in the central district of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be ensured by powerful diesel backup generators and several Internet providers, so no outages or any other infrastructural issues shall affect the proper functioning of your web sites at any time. Our qualified group of system administrators will make sure that if your server freezes for some reason, it will be restarted quickly. To avoid any probability of failures, we'll give you a server with new and extensively tested hardware components to make sure that your websites will be up and running no matter what.